Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Use Of Animals For Research Testing Essay - 1547 Words
In the society we live in, it is filled with debatable controversies. Figuring out a solution to an issue can possibly create quite a stir in our world. In the cooperation of finding a solution, understanding both sides of an argument is very essential. This can help create a better outline of what outweighs the other. With hundreds of topics to solve, there was one that stood out, animal testing. The use of animals for research testing is an issue that has been debated whether or not it is acceptable or not. Within this questionable topic, our main focus is on the researchers, animals, users, and environment. Terms that you may associate with animal testing would vary greatly, but there are some that can be used as an example such as testing, experiment, abuse, negligence, and acceptable. Have you ever thought about these words as you purchase medication or makeup products? As each individual has their own beliefs, is animal testing, acceptable? Not everyday will these words come to our mind as we pick up items from our local pharmacy or store. Granting that there are certain products that are cruelty-free, majority of our daily necessities have been tested with the help of non-human living organisms. The amount of harm that an animal may experience within an experiment of course would fluctuate due to the lab and researchers in which the experiment is being conducted within. Although animal testing benefits humans, as it brings more medical advancement and less human-basedShow MoreRelatedShould Animal Testing Be Used For Scientific Or Commercial Testing? Essay1405 Words  | 6 Pagesthat the research project was assigned to me, I had a pretty good idea on the topic that I wanted to write about for the semester. Animal testing is a broad and controversial topic to many people because scientist and doctors are testing products on animals. Instead of testing on animals there are other ways to test products on. To prevent animal testing, one can buy cruelty-fr ee products, educate others, help stop cosmetic testing or make donations to organizations that are against testing on animalsRead MoreAnimal Testing Is Not All Humane And Pain Free1130 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"An estimated 26 million animals are used every year in the united states for scientific and commercial testing†( We are rapidly using up the earth’s supply of small animals. â€Å"A 2011 poll of nearly 1,000 biomedical scientists conducted by the science journal Nature found that more than 90% agreed that the use of animals in research is essential ( Right now, millions of mice, rats, rabbits, cats, dogs, and other animals are locked up in cages and are getting killed for scientificRead MoreSave Animals. Say No to Animal Testing!1390 Words  | 6 PagesArgumentative essay: Save animals. Say no to animal testing! Nowadays, it is a well-known fact that many companies test their products like cosmetics and medicines with animals before production to check their products ’safety and quality. A huge amount of animals are used in research purpose every year. Is it right for human beings to sacrifice millions of animals for testing purpose? Should animal testing be banned? Animal testing is a controversial issue and there is a heated debated about prosRead MoreAnimal Testing And The World Of Scientific Research1746 Words  | 7 PagesAnimals used in laboratories dates as far back as the 17th century (Unknown, 2015)6. When I first read this statistic, it was surprising because the amount of time testing has been around really makes one think about the advancements made because of that. Due to the amount of time animal testing has been around, two general groups have formed in response to this. The people advocating for it are commonly part of the science community or anyone that supports w hat science hopes to accomplish and thenRead MoreImportance of Animal Testing804 Words  | 4 PagesThe use of animals in scientific research has made dramatic improvements in our understanding of the human race. Despite the controversies that surround this issue, without this process of testing it is certain that much of what is known today towards the quality and quantity of life would remain closed off to us. Over the years, scientists have gained the ability to solve medical problems, cure diseases, and develop vaccines all with the use of animals during scientific research. To believe thatRead MoreAnimal Experimentation Should Be Used For Research1600 Words  | 7 Pageswhether the practice of animals research should be used. Many people believe animals are needed for research, while others think it is not fair for animals to be sacrificed and treated poorly during research. Animals used for research has bettered many human lives by new discoveries and advantages. Many pe ople such as doctors, scientists, hospitals, research institutes use animal research to view how the human body works and to advance in scientific understanding. The first animal experiment started inRead MoreMedical Research On Animal Testing1736 Words  | 7 Pagesprogress can be judged by the way its animals are treated†. Medical research on animals is an effective way for scientist to test different medical discoveries and experiment before using them on humans to check their result. This technique has been used for centuries dating back to people such and Aristotle and Erasistratus. What exactly is medical research on animals? When we take a deeper look into the experiment that are preformed we can conclude that animals are a living model of humans in theseRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Animal Testing1725 Words  | 7 PagesEach year, more than 100 million animals are experimented on in U.S. laboratories. These experiments are for things such as biology lessons, medi cal training, curiosity-driven experimentation, and chemical, drug, food, and cosmetics testing.(Procon writers) Animal testing, also known as animal experimentation, is the use of non-human animals in experiments that seek to control the variables that affect the behavior or biological system under study. Animal testing is controversial and people findRead MoreEssay on The Use of Animal Research 1431 Words  | 6 PagesHow will animal research tell us the outcomes of the human body? How can we live longer and healthier lives with the use of animals? Do animals have a link to the human body that we are able to prove that trying new drugs or new cosmetics will be a benefit for us? I disagree. I believe we test on animals to figure out what are the possible outcomes for humans; however, the use of animals is cruel and unnecessary because they do not have a similar body system as humans do. We use at least a millionsRead MoreAnimal Liberation By Peter Singer1329 Words  | 6 PagesKelsi Duncan Engl1030 Mr. Smith 09/24/2014 â€Å"Animal Liberation†Review Peter Singer’s essay on â€Å"Animal Liberation†was published in the New York Review in 1963. Ultimately, in this essay, Singer was trying to get humans to realize how they are treating non-humans, and that changes need to happen. Firstly, Singer claims that animals suffer just like humans do. He uses Jane Goodall and her chimpanzee research as an example. Jane Goodall taught a chimpanzee to talk with sign language, with this she
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Article Review On Texting And Writing - 1252 Words Section 1: In the 21st century, older generations are worried that the younger generation are becoming less intelligent because of the constant use of technology. In this article, a psychologist cleared up this worry. The psychologist stated in the article that â€Å" Kids who are good spellers [academically] are good spellers in instant messaging, and kids who are poor spellers in English class are poor spellers in instant messaging. The implied conclusion is that texting and writing in school do not relate negatively. This study is a positive correlation however, the coefficient is very low. Children have learned that their texting language and their language at school is completely separate. The are easily able to go back and forth from one to another once they have become accustomed to both of these languages. Students know that there is a difference between correctly writing a paper in school and correctly writing a text. According to the article and the implied conclusion, parents do no t need to worry about their children’s texting skills ruining their spelling habits. Section 2: Template for Analyzing Experiments Research Step Your Description of the Research Step Hypothesis: What is the expected relationship? We hypothesize that one who texts often is not affected when having to spell normally. Subjects: Who is being studied? How did you select theShow MoreRelatedHow Technology Is Changing Written English926 Words  | 4 Pagesto writing proper English. There are so many abbreviated words and meanings in text messaging, I sometimes find myself confused when I receive messages from people that I have to google what they are trying to say. I don’t want to respond and assume I know what they are trying say. In the article†Is Texting Killing the English Language?†from TIME, they start the article off with one critic referring to texting as the downfall for the written word. â€Å"Penmanship for illiterates,†The article goesRead MoreWhat Type Of Design Use Conduct Research?755 Words  | 4 Pagesresearch design of the two articles. Quantitative Research Approach: Research Questions. This study will not include hypotheses but there will be research questions addressed in the study. The questions consist of the following: RQ 1: Why is texting leading students to become less coherent writers? RQ 2: What do effective writing skills allow learners to do? RQ 3: Why is it important to be able to write well? Explanation of Research Approach and Alignment with Problem. Writing is one of the main sourcesRead MoreScholarship Of Teaching And Learning ( Sotl ) Project Plan849 Words  | 4 Pagesresearch design of the two articles. Quantitative Research Approach: Research Questions. This study will not include hypotheses but, there will be research questions addressed in the study. The questions consist of the following: RQ 1: Why is texting leading students to become less coherent writers? RQ 2: What do effective writing skills allow learners to do? RQ 3: Why is it important to be able to write well? Explanation of Research Approach and Alignment with Problem. Writing is one of the main sourcesRead MoreThe New Popular Form Of Communication Among Teenagers1544 Words  | 7 Pagesteenagers. Texting has a long-lasting influence on people and how they communicate with each other. Some researchers are beginning to believe that this simple form of communication can be harmful to those who use it. There are three articles that confront this topic head-on and offer the reader different perspectives: Archana Srinivas, Megan White, and Hatim A. Omar, authors of the scholarly article â€Å"Teens Texting and Consequences: A Brief Review,†Solomon Ali Dansieh, writer of â€Å"SMS Texting and ItsRead MoreImpact of the Technology on Each Individual’s Behavior1129 Words  | 5 PagesTechnology on Each Individual’s Behavior Author Note This paper was prepared for English 111, taught by Professor Dirks. Abstract This paper explores four published articles that report on results from research conducted the texting has been become the part of life and the influence of abbreviations leads a serious argument. The articles, however, vary in the situations and reacts diversity conclusions. â€Å"I Think, Therefore IM†, written by Jennifer 8. Lee observed from several high schools and colleges’Read MoreText Message Abbreviations And Language Skills Essay1601 Words  | 7 Pagesin excess of fifty times per day displayed below average formal writing skills. PhD Nenagh Kemp from the School of Psychology located at the prestigious University of Tasmania, authored this Australian paper in an attempt to answer if texting has any correlation with writing and spelling: Text-message abbreviations and language skills in high school and university students. Dr. Kemp predicts that after controlling for age and texting experience, textism use would predict a small but potentially significantRea d MoreCorrect Grammar Is Important in Todays Workplaces774 Words  | 4 Pagesgrammar is very important. How does texting and using modern technology to communicate with each other affect our grammar? I believe texting and instant messaging has screwed us in communicating. According to articles written by Susan Adams and Kyle Weins they believe younger generations are struggling with skills necessary to survive the modern workplace. There are many skills needed in work places many of these include communication, editing, listening, and writing. I am going into the field of scienceRead MoreMobile Phones Changed The Way Of Communication And Life Style1614 Words  | 7 Pagesfrom the academic articles and internet resources. We find some academic books can provide some accurate data including the quantity of radiation from cellphones and the development of cellphone. Some internet resources are critical and latest news; it can give us some different of view about the influence of cellphone. Thereafter, we divide the work; I find six resources from internet, and my partner find six resources from academic books. We start to read carefully our article and discover someRead MoreResearch Plan: Does Autocorrect Technology Help Us Learn?1045 Words  | 5 Pagesthe usage of these smart technologies, reading and writing ability is decreasing. People are becoming accustomed to these time saving tactics rather than learning how to spell a word correctly. These tricks are finding their way into professional work and school by posing a difficulty for spelling and grammatical problems. The lack of perfection in spelling and grammar has not only confined to texting but also spilling over magazines, articles, papers, resumes, official emails, etc. The purposeRead MoreNegative Effects Of Technology On The Brain Essay1465 Words  | 6 Pageshas increased in usage within many ways and has caused successful changes in a person’s lively routine. However, technology has evolved since the very beginning which concern has grown over the negative effects of its excessive use. Nicholas Carr’s a rticle â€Å"Is Google Making Us Stupid†addresses the tendency of technology to create a sort of mental laziness where people look for instant answers rather than thinking for themselves. Daphne Bavelier, C. Shawn Green, and Matthew W.G. Dye have written in
Monday, December 9, 2019
Reaction Paper on Plagiarism Essay Example For Students
Reaction Paper on Plagiarism Essay Putting up the best story that the public would be interested in is a tough job. There is always the need of highlighting ideas based on facts and the avoidance of personal opinions and fictions. Because when there’s a hole discovered in the story or if the line between facts and fiction blurrs, it’s not just the credibility of the writer who is at stake but also that of the editor and the entire publication. Some writers fabricate their stories to be able to attract more readers and make a name in the public. The movie highlighted an essential factor that a writer especially a journalist should always avoid plagiarism and fabrication. In the movie, the fact that most of the articles written by the main character, Stephen Glass, were proven to be ‘bogus’ shows that for a long period of time, the readers has been manipulated by this writer. He has already published enough to make his name ‘known’ to the public before they discovered about his bogus stories. Since people have already built trust to him, it wasn’t easy for them to accept that most of his stories were fabricated. That is the problem when the line between fact and fiction is being blurred. Stephen Glass has already manipulated the minds of his co-writers which actually believed and enjoyed most of his stories simply because he tells it in the most interesting manner as he can. The movie served as an eye opener for the public to show that not all stories, articles or columns published in broadsheets or even in magazines are to be believed. Some written statements might be based on facts but there are other details which may be fictional, included in the story just to make it more interesting for the readers. It shows that as a reader, we should not believe on everything we are reading. We should always be a wise sceptic when it comes to details given in the article. If we believe in everything that is written, we may be manipulated by the story or the writer. Another important thought that a reader should learn from the movie is that there is a difference between stretching the truth to be able to produce an attractive story for the sake of fame and putting up a plain, simple and honest story all based on facts. Sometimes, journalists are the one who cannot be trusted. However, it is always up to the readers on whether or not they would simply allow themselves to be manipulated or would be a wise reader and verify facts. It is always essential that readers learn to be news literate in that way they would be able to weigh the objectivity of the story.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Women Role in Society Essay Sample free essay sample
Before traveling in front allow us acquire down the brass tacks of the position approximately adult female as said by Napoleon. the great vanquisher of his times. who suggests that â€Å"Give me good female parents. I will give you good nation†. The word society. derived from the Latin word ‘Socieis’ . means a group of persons sharing similar cultural. political scenario. economic A ; psychological sphere. an proverb by Professor Carl Jung. Here in this definition gender difference is non mentioned. So society is non adult male or adult female but an amalgam of human existences. If we rotate the wheel of the history. we come to cognize that such description about society holds no realistic resemblance and adult females have neer had an equal portion in anything and have largely remained at the having terminal. except for a few civilisations. Besides all this. the function of adult females in societies can’t be ruled out as she plays multiple functions in our society. We will write a custom essay sample on Women Role in Society Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To run into this rhythm of sociology. God has bestowed her with a alone quality called ‘patience’ . If a adult male is made to run into this rhythm. he would non digest the wear A ; tear of the complexnesss. If we look into our society. adult females walks aside a adult male shoulder to shoulder in every module of life. Science and research shattered the aboriginal construct of unequal modules possesses by work forces and adult females and proved that it was merely the hormonal make-up that differentiated work forces from adult females while both. in all capacities. are every bit competent. Islam realized the importance of adult females and preached equality between the two. Not merely this. it besides raised adult females in position and broke her free from the bonds of the savageness of the than barbaric civilizations and rites that disallowed her to even populate. go forth aside populating an honest life. Take for case the position of female parent in conformity with the Bibles of Islam. she is following to God and it is her that a kid looks for extreme love. devotedness. relentless attention and perfect upbringing. A female parent is the first teacher. the first individual to seed the seeds of righteousness in the bosom and encephalon of a kid. The schooling for a kid begins in the lab of female parent and one can non brush aside the fact that great individuals come from female parents. In today’s scenario. we see that adult females vie in all respects of life and travel in front alongwith work forces sharing equal duty and showing equal capacity to cover wit h assorted state of affairss and scenarios. She is everyplace. in every domain of life and at every case of demand. Any theories. whether spiritual or scientific. nevertheless seem less actuating for the male chauvinist outlook and even now adult females are being treated as 2nd category citizens. They have to maintain the work forces. around them. in good gustatory sensation for prosecuting anything that they might experience like making and even than they can be out justly denied the chance. Social Scientists say it is adult female who is the cardinal tenet of set uping a good society because she is the merely who create a good household instead than a adult male. They fill the relationship with love and attention. They can pull off anything from family jobs to any other concern. Although they are non considered equal to work forces as adult females are thought to be weak and emotional but we can see now that the tendency is altering and more and more of the female population is coming frontward to demo that they are no less than work forces. This shows the finding of adult females of our age. T hough the treatment is eternal. I can sum up the topic in few pairs. A adult female is the creative activity of race. a societal face. a generous gait. that gives state an one. Womans should be respected! The function of adult females in our society has changed significantly in the past three decennaries. Womans and misss have many more chances and confront different challenges. The playing field is non flat. but neither is gender prejudice every bit institutionalized as it one time was. Womans who have achieved great stature in authorities. industry. athleticss. and the media have become a familiar sight. And yet. it appears that there is no clear public apprehension of the worlds of women’s and girls’ lives in this state. Participants appear to keep contradictory beliefs about many facets of women’s and girls’ lives. For case. participants believe that fewer adult females work but more adult females head up families. While a bulk ( 73 % ) of participants said that a smaller proportion of adult females was in the labour force ( in 1997. 74 % of all adult females between the ages of 25 and 54 were in the labour force ) . a bulk ( 62 % ) besides indicated th at more families are headed by adult females ( in 1997. 30 % of families were headed by adult females ) . Participants besides seem to believe that fewer adult females and kids live in poorness. in malice of besides believing that adult females earn significantly less than work forces. Although about half ( 45 % ) of participants said that adult females earned less than three-fourth every bit much as work forces ( in 1997. women’s hebdomadal net incomes were 75 % of men’s ) . an overpowering bulk ( 79 % ) said that adult females and kids accounted for a smaller fraction of people in poorness ( in 1997. adult females and kids represented 80 % of the people populating in poorness ) . More than half of participants ( 51 % ) besides underestimated the rate of adolescent gestation in this state ( in 1995. one in 10 American misss between the ages of 15 and 19 became pregnant ) . The consequences farther suggest that the public perceives that adult females have advanced farther professionally but does non acknowledge the extent of women’s educational accomplishments. More than half ( 52 % ) of participants answered that a smaller proportion of misss enrolled in college ( in 1996. 70 % of misss who graduated from high school enrolled in college the undermentioned autumn ) . while 58 % of participants indicated that adult females represented larger per centums of professionals and corporate executives ( in 1997. 30 % of physicians and attorneies and 10 % of applied scientists and Fortune 500 officers were adult females ) . In a similar vena. the participants indicated that more adult females are involved in authorities but are less involved as citizens. While 41 % of the participants said that the proportion of adult females in the 106th Congress was higher ( in 1999. adult females held 13 % of the seats in the 535-member 106th Congress ) . 42 % of participants answered that a smaller fraction of adult females voted ( in 1992 and 1994. 80 % of adult females registered to vote really voted in the national elections ) . Finally. 46 % of participants underestimated girls’ engagement in athleticss ( in 1997. 42 % of high school misss participated in at least one school-sponsored athletics ) .
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