Thursday, October 31, 2019
Contemporary film Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Contemporary film - Movie Review Example The story centers on the relationships of Sam and his father George and Robin’s second husband and their two little children. In the beginning, George Monroe and Robin Kimball had decided to divorce, resulting to Sam’s struggles when he was a teen-ager. George did not able to get the heart of his son as he lived separately from them. George was residing on the Southern California coast when he was fired on his job owing to his illness. He was diagnosed with a terminal cancer. He stipulated not to disclose his condition to his family, instead spend his remaining time with his family. For that, he called up his son to live with him for the summer. The two did able to reconnect as a family. However, Robin and her second husband Peter Kimball were not happily living as Peter is unaffectionate to his children and to his wife. Robin realized that she made some unfavorable decisions. Moreover, George did not expect the relationship to go far considering his health condition. A ll he wanted was to do all he wanted to do before time betrays him (â€Å"Life as a house,†2006). A family genogram is used to trace family patterns. Genogram is illustrated through â€Å"lines, squares, circles, text, and symbols†(Genogram-Make Millenium, 2005 as cited in Shapiro, Kaslow, & Maxfield, 2007, pp. 76-79). Using this notion, Life as a House family tree will be illustrated to understand further the relationships of the members of the family from the past and as time goes by. The signs and symbols in the genogram, which are illustrated below, have been adopted to evaluate the relationship patterns of the members of the family. These are the basic signs and symbols developed by the GenoPro (â€Å"Introduction,†n.d.). The pattern of relationships is shown above; George has close relationships with his son Sam, and his ex-wife Robin’s two little children. At first, Sam has a hard time
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Business Biography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business Biography - Essay Example At the tender age of 14, he focused and concentrated his efforts towards the development and growth of his first entrepreneurship venture, which was a web design company in the name of Flyte Design. The SME venture by this young first time entrepreneur went forward to win some of the reputed design awards of Canada. Besides Flyte Design, Tom Szaky also diverted his focus towards the establishment of three dot com companies, which ranged from an online home improvement site to an online fund raising school as well as online grade tracking software. In the year 2001, the serial entrepreneur moved to USA for the purpose of acquiring a degree from the reputed Princeton University. However, in 2002, he shifted his focus from academia to the development of TerraCycle Inc. It can be increasingly said that by the process of early venturing into social entrepreneurship through the formation of TerraCycle in the year 2002, he made it evident that he is an agent of change, who is focused on exp loiting opportunities that keeps on emerging in the social environment from time to time. However, besides being an entrepreneur, he was active member when it comes to community service. He took initiatives in the participation and organizing of various social activities, while increasingly raising and generating values for the stakeholders (CNBC, 2007). About the Business The main objective of TerraCycle is to focus on waste elimination through the process of application of evolutionary economics. Guided by this particular objective, the company focused on national level recycling chain for waste products that were difficult to reuse and recycle. The company focused on setting up a new principle of generating products of innovative nature as well as of high value from already disposed and utilized products by using organic means. The company recycles the waste for the purpose of product creation which focuses on fulfilling the needs of the clients and consumers, while increasingly enabling them to tackle their demand and subsequent elimination of relative and existing pain points (TerraCycle, n.d). The competitive advantage for this business was the fact that the business was started as an innovative venture and in an almost virgin market, in regards to its product portfolio, that Is being offered to the consumers. Hence it can be said that the business had the first movers’ advantage. As of today’s date, the company is focused on the process of value creation through the process of developing a variety of recycled product. The product variety comprises of a wide range of categories ranging from bags, garden accessories and fertilizers, gift accessories, home accessories, office accessories, school accessories. The product category also comprises of items of daily uses likes toys, pet bottles and even winter based essential products (TerraCycle, n.d ). On an overall note, TerraCycle produces over 250 different kinds of products, from a wide rang e of waste streams (Forbes, 2011). Industry Overview The United States, due to its focus on high level of consumption by the government as well as the consumers has become the largest market with the urgent need for waste management services. The waste management industry in the United States is a highly fragmented industry. The sector has grown tremendously over the last few years, till the year 2008. The slowdown all over the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tourism Tourism Essay
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Tourism Tourism Essay Tourism is a popular industry to develop local economics in the world. Apart from the development of economy, tourism also can bring many advantages to local governments and residents. A large number of governments all want to develop tourism to get maximum benefits, even some governments spent much more energy and money on development of tourism. The development of tourism can drive economic growth and working unit increase, so tourism is a significant catalyst for economic growth and employment. Tourism is worth almost  £64bn p.a. to the national economy. It contributes 2.8-3.9% of total GDP and earns almost  £16bn in foreign exchange each year. Tourism employs almost 1.8m people, which is 7% of the employed workforce. One in five of all new jobs are created in the tourism industry. (Liddell 2011). Furthermore, developing tourism is beneficial to local education system. In fact, many tourists go to travel to some famous places, and tourists will point some useful advises to forest or facilities management system. Tourists provide an endless supply of people from around the world that can be targeted and educated on everything from forest stewardship to local history and plans for the future (Stushnoff, 2009). Moreover, tourism can help for fundraising, governments can raise money to build some public facilities or invest for poor children. It is good for the governments credibility, and fundraising is also beneficial to improve the local economy. A tourist provides an easy target for fundraising. Tourists pay fees for everything from camping sites and park entry fees, to licenses for fishing and hunting. The more tourists in a controlled area, means the more money that can be collected for things like education, policing and maintenance of national wilderness areas (Stushnoff, 2009). And then, developing tourism is promoting culture exchange, and local residents can communicate with foreigners. A deep understanding other countries or national culture, it also consummate the local education and broadening residents horizons. Meanwhile, developing tourism also brings many negative effects for local residents and the environment. Above all, pollution is the biggest negative factor concerning tourism. For example, people take transport to their destination, if they take cars or planes, it will cause some air pollution, and it is damage the local environment and affects local residents.Trips to distant conferences can have serious environmental impacts, especially if made by airplane.Because of the aggressive impact of greenhouse gas emissions in the upper atmosphere, their threat to the global climate is more serious than similar trips made at surface level. (Karl and Petter 2001). Moreover, plastic pollution is also a very serious problem from tourism. Many people drop litter carelessly everywhere, especially, some drinks plastics and plastic packets. It causes soil pollution and ruin the environment, this factor can affect local residents lives. Moreover, noise pollution also influences the local residents lives. May not seem like a big problem, but loud noises can scare animals out of the area and possibly even disrupt the local ecosystem (Stushnoff, 2009). Furthermore, water pollution is the most important thing for local residents. People cannot live without water, Visitors often put rubbish into the tourist attractions the stream or sometimes spit into the water and nearby bushes, it causes many kinds of lives dead which live in the river because of pollution, and it influences the ecological balance in the rivers. Regard to local natural resources, developing tourism is wasting many resources, and often behind the requirement. Basically tourism can produce great pressure on local resources like energy, food, and other raw materials that may already be in short supply. So the local governments suffer these pressures from tourism. Greater extraction and transport of these resources depraves the physical impacts associated with their exploitation. Because of the seasonal character of the industry, a high demand is placed upon these resources to meet the high expectations tourists often have (proper heating, hot water, etc.(UNEP, 2001). Concerning Ecological destruction, the development of tourism is indirectly contact to ecological destruction. There are some examples; the first thing is Marine life, it is being wrecked by irresponsible and unregulated tourism by diving, water sports and coastal tourism. Secondly, skiing in Northern Europe has led to mass tourism development which has felled forests and large numbers of tourists have been introduced into fragile and remote destinations. Currently many people worry about the problems of environment from tourism. So there are some solutions to solve the problems which are caused by tourism, first of all, improving the environment management and planning. In the most of countries, the local governments have not carry out good law or rules for improving the environment management and planning. So the local environment has become worse and worse, the local governments should carry out correct and effective environment management to better to develop tourism. In the meantime, governments should also have a good awareness on protecting the environment even local residents. Basically, local governments should carry out some effective actions to make people have better environmental protection consciousness, and the government should play a leadership role to protect the environment. For example, government may require the local media to play some environmental protection advertisements; government officials should get correct points and measures. Then people will realize the serious problem about environment and have a correct awareness for protecting environment. Secondly, regulatory measures are very important for protecting the environment, if governments have not carried out some management measures to environmental protection, it will affect lots of things, even the tourism development. Regulatory measures help offset negative impacts; for instance, controls on the number of tourist activities and movement of visitors within protected areas can limit impacts on the ecosystem and help maintain the integrity and vitality of the site. (UNEP 2001). Recently some governments aggravating the construction of ecological tourism, eco-tourism is a much more important and effective solution for protecting environment and biodiversity. It means increase the income from tourism with protecting environment and biodiversity. And eco-tourism offers countries new opportunities for small-enterprise investment and employment. In the meantime, it increases the national stake in protecting their biological resources. Besides benefits for economy and environmental protection, it also better to save resources. By recognizing the importance of protecting biological diversity, ecotourism is raising appreciation for biological resources and leading to better conservation practices by developing country populations.(Merg,1999) And many countries have trade agreements for protecting the environment. For example, governments limit the number of businessmen and commodities, especially some forest fires which may damage the environment. These measures are very important and effective to solve the environmental problems. Trade agreements and environmental treaties have also played a critical role in strengthening many national environmental practices (Vogel ,1997). Next, investment is one of the most effective ways to protect or manage the environment. Governments get big business and benefits from the tourism, which they can invest to environment. On the one hand, the governments can make the environment better; on the other hand, the better environment can attract more customers to visit. So currently the majority of countries governments all spend a large number of money on managing the environment. Moreover, addressing the impact of tourism transport is also one of the most important for protecting environment; so many local governments carry out some measures to solve this problem. For example, reducing the number of airports and limits some large displacement of transport. According to the needs of tourism development, transport should be used frequently, especially in some the height of tourism, for example, in the summer and public holidays, a large number of customers will go to famous places to travel, it will cause the big pressure for traffic, and it is very easy to cause the traffic jam, which cause traffic inconvenience and travel unhappy. Streets free of traffic congestion, adequate approaches to main highways, enough parking space, usage of ITS for tracking and a more effective utilization of existing infrastructure and regulation of traffic flows, keeping trucks outside of settlements, closing city cores for road transport, creating pedestrian precincts in parts pa rticularly interesting to visitors are main points for the integral organization of traffic in a city or a settlement-tourist destination.'(Mrnjavac,2008). In the future, tourism will be more popular and important in the will brings bigger business and more employment opportunities. In the economic sphere, the WTTC anticipates that tourism will have a global value of US$10.8trillion by 2018, and by 2020, the number of travelling tourists will approach 1.6 billion. On development of employment, those directly employed by tourism worldwide will rise from 238 million this year to 296 million, or one in every 10.8 jobs, by 2018(Rowe 2011). Currently the environmental protection measures are not very effective. But in the future, maybe tourism have good management measures for protecting the environment, and local residents could have the comforts of life without considering the environmental problems from tourism. Many people expect that the environment will be better and the tourism development will be perfection in the future, so in next paragraphs, it will introduce tourism development and environmental changes in the future. In the first place, reducing damage to the environment from tourism, generally governments must carry out some measures and laws to reduce damage to the environment even now the majority of governments spend a large number of money and energy to manage these problem of environment. Thus the environmental problems will be fewer than before, many people believes that the environment will be better and wonderful. In the second place, with the progress of The Times and the technology is in constant updates, so in the future governments will invest more and more money for contributing to local tourism development. More and more different and advanced facilities will be built during the tourism development, which could attract more customers to travel. Furthermore, addressing the impact of tourism transport, as we know, tourisms transport brings a big problem to the environment ¼Ã… ¡air pollution. So in the future the transport system will be more comprehensive and sustainable development, people can do not worry about much more traffic jams during their traveling in happy time, and make the peoples trip more suitable and effective. Moreover, the development of ecological tourism will be more comprehensive in the future, it wills the better to manage the environment and reduce the damage from the tourism, and better to develop the local economy. Increasing local participation in the benefits of biodiversity conservation (through new sources of jobs and incomes), and generating revenues toward conservation of biologically rich areas(Merg 1999) As a result, developing tourism is a very important industry in the world. It brings a big business and many employment opportunities, which are easing the current global employment crisis, and with tourism developing, the local education level and cultural communication skills and have substantially improved. But in the meantime, it also brings many negative effects and very serious problems to the environment and local residents lives. It affects the local residents normal lives with big noise and environmental pollution. And developing tourism is destructing the environment seriously, especially the ecological disruption and environmental pollution. Actually the problems of environmental management should be faced by the whole world, people should consider how to protect the environment and have a good awareness to environmental protection. As a consequence, governments should keep the balance between the environment and tourism revenue.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Books :: essays research papers
The Book      In Fahrenheit 451 books are burned on sight without exceptions. If I had the choice to save three books and â€Å"become†one, the first would be The Black Road which represents what greed and power can do to any kind of man. The second is A Spell For A Chameleon; it shows how if you’re different in any way from society you will be exiled out of the â€Å"group†. The Far Side Experience should be saved because it shows satire in the world around us.      In the world around us we see good men and women corrupted by positions of power and or money. In The Black Road, Kabraxis the demon corrupts a Priest of the Zakurumm church by offering him unlimited power and wealth. The way the demon corrupts other people is â€Å"the way of Dreams†which cures the person of whatever is wrong with them and sometimes making them wealthy. This is the book that I would â€Å"become†because I think it has the most meaning out of them all. That is why this book should be saved.      A Spell For A Chameleon should be saved because it shows how if you’re different then society then they will exile you from it. In Xanth (the land in which the story takes place) everyone has a unique magical power and if yours isn’t discovered by the time your 18 you are exile from Xanth into Mundane (normal realm). There is a powerful magician that can tell you if you have a power and he tells Bink (the main character) that his power is not only there but is very strong magic. Unfortunately this is how some societies today really are. The reason this book should be saved is it shows how you should not act towards somebody that is different from the majority.      The Far Side Experience should be kept because it shows satire in the world around us. Satire is a form of written that pokes fun at human weaknesses in hope to fix them. An example in this book is that it shows a kid at his birthday party and a liver truck is part of his party, he obviously doesn’t like liver but smiles anyway. This represents satire in that even though somebody doesn’t like something they will smile and lie that they like it. This can be wrong because people lie so others feelings aren’t hurt and some just because they cant tell the truth.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Describe How the Setting Can Value and Celebrate Individuality Essay
Describe how the setting can value and celebrate individuality The Nursery shows respectful awareness of all the major events in the lives of the children and families in the nursery, and in our society as a whole and welcome the diversity of backgrounds from which they come. In order to achieve this, the nursery aims to acknowledge a range of cultural activities which are celebrated in our area and by the families involved with the nursery by:- †¢ Without indoctrination in specific faith, children will be made aware of the cultural activities which are being celebrated by their own families or others, and will be introduced where appropriate to the stories behind the cultural activities. We do this by asking any parents with specific interests, cultural differences or jobs of interest are invited to come in to the nursery to talk to the children. The setting has had visits from Jewish Parents to discuss Hanukah, a Paramedic explaining their job and a visit from a Farmer with his tractor! †¢ Children will be encouraged to welcome a range of different cultural activities together with the stories, celebrations and special food and clothing they involve, as part of their diversity of life. Through play, the Nursery makes the children aware of other cultures and backgrounds. Recently to make children aware of â€Å"The Chinese New Year†the children made a Chinese Dragon out of two cardboard boxes and painted pictures using chopsticks. Children are invited to taste foods from different countries at snack time. These snacks include, Rice, Guacamole, Naan Bread and Pizza. They are also able to dress up in different cultural clothes. †¢ Children and families that celebrate at home cultural activities with which the rest of the nursery is not familiar will be invited to share their activity with the rest of the group, if they wish. The nursery has had visits from Jewish Parents to discuss Hanukah. †¢ Bilingual/multilingual children and adults are an asset. They will be valued and their languages recognised and respected in the nursery. In these cases key words in their home language will be used by staff based on parental advice. †¢ The dietary rules of religious groups and also of vegetarians/vegans are known in the nursery and met in appropriate ways. Children who are unable to eat these excluded foods are offered an alternative at snack time.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Government Policy Essay
The Wall Street Crash, which occurred in October 1929, was the mass selling of shares, which led to a massive drop in prices, which prompted further selling of shares. In one day, $14 billion was wiped off the value of the stock market. This panic selling was triggered by rumours and fears that the stock market was about to collapse (these rumours were brought about by large share holders, like Baruch and Kennedy dumping shares, and news of the collapse of the British financial empire which was financed by debt and credit, just like America’s). But why did a sudden loss of confidence have such massive repercussions? The answer lies in the long term problems in the economy which had created instability and weaknesses in the economy. Until October 1929 these weaknesses had been masked by the confidence of American people and businesses; the high prices of stocks and shares were the result of speculation – the belief or confidence that they were worth more. But as confidence crumbled, there was nothing left to sustain the economy. The key reason why the economy could not sustain itself was because the policies of the government had created major faults in the American economy, and in every area of the economy, which meant that what started as mass selling of shares resulted in a major Wall Street Crash. Firstly, government policies were responsible for the Bull market of the 1920s. Firstly, the government of the 1920s had essentially promoted speculation by allowing the Federal Reserve to keep interest rates low. This encouraged lending / borrowing, which meant that millions of Americans were able to buy now, pay later for their consumer goods – such as fridges, radios and cars. Similarly, by keeping interest rates low, the Federal Reserve essentially encouraged lending to those wanting the play the stock market, as low interest rates made ‘buying on the margin’ attractive. With as many as 60,000 people involved in buying on the margin (or 10% of American families), and millions more buying now, paying later, the cycle of prosperity and stock market investment was actually based on debt and credit. Secondly, the government encouraged the Bull market by publically rejecting critics who warned of danger signs in the economy. For example, In Sept 1929 Roger Babson warned that the existing prosperity was based on a ‘state of mind’, not on economic facts. He predicted a crash and massive unemployment†¦ but he was criticised as being pessimistic and trying to undermine the country’s wealth. Experts seemed confident that the market was strong and so ignored the warnings of economists. If the government had been more careful about lending and listened to the warnings, people would have only purchased things within their means – rather than buying or investing in what they couldn’t afford. Therefore, there would not have been such over confidence (people believed that high levels of demand, and high volumes of stock market trading proved that the economy was excellent), which means that the stock market would not have been over valued in order to suffer from a loss of confidence and then a crash in the first place. As well as allowing the Fed to keep interest rates low, government policies also led to a Crash by reducing the ability of American businesses to sell their goods abroad. For example, the Fordney McCumber tariff of 1921, which was designed to protect the prices of American farmers’ goods, actually resulted in retaliatory tariffs from foreign countries. For example, Spain, Germany and France put tariffs on American cars and wheat. As a result, when the American economy did begin to slow down in the latter 1920s, businesses and farmers could not sell their surpluses abroad, which led to a drop in profits, and a reduction in production – with an impact on employment. Therefore, had the government not pursued a protectionist policy in the early 1920s, there would have been no loss of employment in the late 1920s, which means production rates would have been maintained, which would have ensured that money was kept in circulation and shares kept their value. To make matters worse, by making it harder for European countries to sell their goods in America, the government’s protectionist policy made it harder for European countries to repay the war debts they owed to the USA. To try and rectify this, the government chose to set up the Dawes Plan, whereby it lent Germany $250 million to pay its reparations to Britain and France. In 1929, the government agreed for Germany to restructure its loan repayments to the USA (the Young Plan), giving them a longer period of time to repay. Whilst in principle these actions were supportive, in practice they artificially propped up the German economy, which led to massive investment in Germany ($3,900million was invested after the Dawes Plan) as investors hoped to make a quick buck, just like they were in the American ‘get rich quick’ / speculative economy. This meant that government policy had in fact encouraged investment at home and abroad based on speculation. When investors realised that the returns (values) of stocks at home and abroad were artificially high, it would trigger a loss of confidence and massive sales – i.e. the Wall Street Crash. Another reason why government policies caused the Wall Street Crash is because the government pursued a laissez faire policy towards businesses and regulation. As a result, the 1920s were characterised by the creation of trusts and corporations – such as US Steel. The government actively ignored anti-trust laws, rather than using their federal powers to police and regulate industry. In a case heard at the Supreme Court the government argued that big businesses were not illegal, so long as some competition remained. However, in reality, the trusts wiped out competition – fixing prices and swallowing up smaller businesses (for every 4 businesses that succeeded in the 1920s, 3 failed). As a result, 1000s of smaller businesses failed, whilst the trusts became ‘captains of industry’, with the knowledge and the money to produce things very quickly and efficiently. This meant the stability of the American economy depended on the actions and profits of a few large companies, such as Insull and Ford, creating a dangerous situation. What is more, the government’s lack of regulation of corporations meant firms like Bethlehem Steel Corporation and Electric Bond & Share were not prevented from using their profits to speculate on the stock market, adding further insecurity (gambling!) to Wall Street. Unfortunately, by the end of the 1920s, many trusts – such as car giants like Ford – were producing more than was needed (and couldn’t sell their surpluses abroad thanks to the government’s tariff policy). As their sales dropped, so did wages and employment, leading to less money in circulation, less demand and a significantly weaker economy. As the trusts’ sales dropped, it also led to fewer stock market investments, which furthered the loss of confidence in Wall Street. Government policy concerning the regulation of banks and banking was also a key factor in the crash. There were no controls concerning mergers and competition so, by 1929, 1% of America’s banks controlled 46% of the nation’s assets. This meant that the stability of the country’s banking system depended on the stability of just 1% of the banks – which was a precarious situation (a Crash could see almost half of the nation’s assets disappearing!). What is more, the lack of regulation in banking meant that the government did not have complete control over the actions of the Federal Reserve Board. For example, in March 1929, one member of the Fed (Charles A. Mitchell) acted without the agreement of the Fed to publically announce that if money became tight because of higher interest rates, his bank (New York’s National City Bank) would personally pump $25million into the broker’s loan market. This was called the single most irresponsible decision of 1929 as it encouraged lending and gambling on stock market to soar at a time when the economy had slowed significantly. The government also did not regulate individuals working on the stock market – for example, greedy individuals like William Durant and his ‘bull pool’ were able to artificially inflate the market for their own gain, only to sell quickly and leave others with significant losses. Furthermore, government policies exacerbated the country’s massive unequal distribution of wealth, which itself contributed to the long-term weaknesses in the economy and hence the crash. In 1929, tax returns of 27million families showed that 12 million families were earning $1,500 a year, or less, and another 6 million families were earning less than $1,000 a year. This put at least 50% of the population in a position of serious economic hardship. In particular, agriculture faced significant problems: the mid-war Federal Farm Loan Act had offered farmers loans at lower interest rates in order to buy machinery to help meet war demand, but these loans became difficult to repay when the demand reduced as the war ended. After World War One, prices for wheat dropped from $2.50 a bushel to less than $1; wool from 90 cents to 19 cents. Although the government passed tariffs to relieve these problems, in the long term tariffs made the situation worse because foreign economies put ret aliatory tariffs in place. The post-war Agricultural Credits Act funded 12 banks to offer loans to any farmers working co-operatively. However, the Act ultimately meant more smaller farmers became in debt. The larger farmers who could afford the loans squeezed the small farmers out of the market. Prohibition made farmer’s problems even worse by cutting the need for grain previously used in alcohol. Ultimately, America’s unequal distribution of wealth should have signalled to the government that its capitalist system was not working – and steps should have been taken to alleviate the imbalanced spending power. Because the government did not alleviate the situation, the divide grew bigger (making these people dependent on credit / loans, which they couldn’t repay because of their lack of employment) – making the economy more fragile and unstable. Therefore, in October 1929, when a massive amount of selling began in the New York Stock Exchange, a mad panic set in. The confidence bubble had burst – triggered by a few rumours and fears that the market was going to crash. Had the government not pursued such a laissez faire approach to the management and regulation of banking and business, and had it responded earlier to the rich / poor divide in American society, the Wall Street Crash would never have happened because there would not have been such over-inflated / false confidence; there would have been foreign markets to trade with; and banks, businesses and individuals would have been regulated and acting in the interest of long-term not short-term gains.
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